Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Balik kampung dulu ye!

hem...dah smpi masanye den kene balik 'kampung' jumpa mak mentua yg lama dah ditinggalkan..ekekeke

basically gi kejap je ha..gi arini balik 2/1..macam taun ni aku celebrate new year kat Seoul lagi..thehehe..best gak!

motip pegi?? sbb dah janji dgn akak sorang tu ha..adessss mulut den x bleh nak mengcover skit pun...CONFIRM je sokmo bile org ajak...ha amik ko!!!...so tu le motip aku..'sbb dah janji nak pegi'

erm!! kali ni mgkn byk keje paparazi kut..tgk cane ketahanan diri..ekekke
nak gi marathon merata susah lak sbb tgh peak winter ni..tapi skang semua award tgh on..so tgk cane..

oh! hopefully ade la snow falling...thehheh...nak rase mandi snow..puhuhu..

anyway!!! will update later...wait for the newsssss...

Happy New Year In Advance everyone!!!!


sweetbliss said...


I love reading your KOREA travel entry, planning to go to Korea this february, nak tanya boleh share the address to Junsu Misarang Pizza dengan lebih detail, dah paham mesti naik train ke ilsan for one hour lepas tu?

Anyways i really LOVE your blog, sangat best baca from the first time hingga sekarang, dapat ambil travel tips and its really good info. heheh sangat best u dapat jumpa Yunho, me and my sis DBSK fans ;)

Miss said...

hola! hi there..
thanks!! blog syok sendri je ni..
anyway..want to go to misarang ye?
ok..so sorry kalau direction yg diberi ni agak x brape betui sbb pegi tahun 2010 so dah ingat2 lupa..tapi landmark yg penting kene cari..

naik subway turun kat jeongbalsan-->follow exit to MBC--> keluar dr exit go straight and try your best to find landmark LAFESTA (tgk kat gambar lam blog ye)..

kalau dr MBC..facing ke depan..straight je nnti jumpe traffic light cross and straigh lagi akan jumpe LAFESTA..cross lafesta tu and akan jumpe kedai mini BUY THE WAY..betui2 kat tepi kedai tu ade lorong kecik ..kat situ la kena cari lif and naik tingkat 2 ye...hope that help..rasenye ade kut letak gambo kat lam blog tu..kalo x brape clear bleh tanya lagi ye.