Saturday, January 12, 2013

[SOUTH KOREA] 10th Trip- Day 2

Since day 1 is totally totally totally exhausted, aku tido smpi kul 10 pagi...walaaaa...tu pun liat gak nak bangun tuh..tebabas sudah janji nak tulung Unni move to hotel lain..adesss mianne unni!! sangat sangat penat mmg langsung tido x hingat duniya sungguh...sbb dah lambat so just watsapp Unni and jumpa kat Coex Mall katanye..okeh no problem~~

Day 2 tak banyak aktiviti sangat, just go around dgn Unni and her friends since aku tak de planning langsung..mane je kami pegi ek???

Mula2 meet up kat Coex Mall, Gosh!! giler ramai org kat situ sbb weekend kan..crowded places..rimas2!!, kami go back Unni's hotel for Zohor prayer 1st and than  for lunch..Hotel baru dorang is Resident EO, very nice place indeed...harga pun ok la lebih kurang Namsan ghouse gak..but not for twinroom it's quite expensive actually but that's the only choice they have sbb semua tmpt penuh time tuh...oh!! november, december and january is a very very peak season so make sure do the booking earlier kalo tanak pening kepala mencari tmpt nak stay ye..

check out the ghouse web --> RESIDENCE EO  it looks exactly like the pictures but...sangat jauh kut aku rase compare to Namsan ghouse 3, ghouse ni agak kebelakang skit and kene daki bukit skit tuk smpi ke tmpt nye and also no elevator.  And this place do not allowed anybody else to enter except for the guesthouse guest, but they manage to 'seludup' aku goes some pica of the place.

Good thing is they got everything inside, washing machine,peti ais, microwave, and even tempat masak inside the room..that's good enough I guess.

Lepas prayer kami gerak kuar balik..adessss!! hari ni pun snow turun gak, lebat lak tuh..uishh!! confirm kematu kaki nnti nih.  Sbb semua dah kebulur we decide to go to myeongdong je and the menu is~~ Nakji Set!!!!! 

huwarghhhhhhh gile rindu wei kat sutung ni...gilos sedap nak mampus ok!! Finish makan, we split sbb kawan unni x ikut gi 2nd gerak le ke stadium again at 5pm..sbb weekend so sgt ramai org T______T..alienated stare still ade wpun dah blambak org bertudung dtg sana cuma tak brape obvious la sbbnye time winter kan semua org pun dok beselumbung tutup abis..hehehe..but no prob...'like i care' hahaha..

Seriously mmg ramai org hari ni, even lam subway nak naik tangga ke atas tu bleh 'terpause' jap kat tangga sbb terlalu crowded dgn org...japan chinggu semalam ckp hari ni ade JYP punye event..entoh le tak tau usually from subway ke stadium agak jauh takes about 7 minit kut..hari ni lagi dasat kadar kelicinan baik unni ade bleh la dok pegang dia kalo dak mesti ade aksi tetonggeng kat situ..ngaaaa~

snow became thicker..sbb dah 2 hari beturut turut snow turun lebat

hari ni intai kat tmpt merchandize kut2 ade benda baru (wpun smlmnye dah berabis dekat beratus RM T________T) huwalaaaa~~ade la benda baru..dia gi jual towel lak dah...korek2 poket aha!!! ade duit lagi..akkaa..makanye aksi pembelian terjadi dgn harapan still ade lagi serdak2 duit tuk besok...puhuhuhu..risiko2~~~

hari ni concert start cepat..kul 7 dah start..great~great~ meaning kul 6 dah masuk.  2nd day x bleh blagak nak dok VIP sbb fulus dah takdop so rini bleh dok together geder dgn Unni kat 'R' seat...agak blakang skit tapi tmpt sgt luas bleh lunjur2 kaki..hehhee....

still tempat tu bleh dpt clear view and the seat mcm dah sama tarap dgn VIP gak..akakkakka..sgt close hokey...dongseng arrr!!!komawo..pandai mu pilih seat nuna ...hehehee...

hopefully malam ni akan ade skit perubahan on his performance..seriously, smlm perasaan 'mengantuk' is like 70% uhuhu..nak kata penat cam x de le sgt but maybe sbb awal2 lagi dah nyanyi lentuk2 uhuuu..lama2 org pun makin ramai..

finally, it's full..giler daebak hari ni sbb seat semua penuh hokey!! maybe sbb weekend kut so ramai yg datang. When it come to event like this, they were very supportive even ada mak bapak datang temankan anak dorang..hehe..Oh! and dorang very well mannered..entire concert tu dorang x ganggu org, dok diam je kat situ..bile soh joget baru joget bile soh dok dorang dok..soh angkat tangan, angkat tangan..x de aksi nak bediri atas kerusi ke, nak menyemak kat tempat org ke..that's why aku prefer to attend concert kat sini rather than kat Malaysia...

2nd day still dapat lightstick..tapi menyalanye kejap je ade le dlm 10 minit kut pastu padam..puhuhu

my view is very close to stage cumanye agak ke kanan sangat so nak tgk screen kat tgh tu xdapek..but never mind still ok..

cantikkan stage dia!!

sebab dok jauh skit dr security so manage to snap few pictures wpun gambonye suam-suam kuku tapi bleh la..byk catch video je pun..

Guest artist dia malam tu is Lee! legendary singer sungguh..suka suara dia...anyway, the best performance ever is bile dia nyanyi Fantastic Baby by big bang...walaaa...mmg fantastic baby sungguh..(fan girling mode)..akakka..aku rase cam nak runtuh la stage tu dibuat dek budak2 kat tepi aku yg dok joget2 sakan..akakkaka.. galaxy note ni kalo zoom mmg la hancur lebur..aishh!! stress aku nengok gambo yg kuar baik lagi la Nokia aku ha...ishhhh...ishh..dah le x bawak kamera ha..tapi terima je la seadanye gambo yg la salah satu sebab baik x yah bwk kamera langsung or x yah amik gambo langsung...but~~~ kang x de gambo langsung menyesal lak.uhuuuu..jadi la dr x dop langsung kan.

walaupun ada mcm2 kaler lightstick but it still looks beautiful...haha..concert start exactly at 7pm..tak sedar masa bejalan dah kul 10.30pm..concert still tak abis lagi..but kami decide to left early...sedeyyyyyy T______T..sbb tanak kejadian semalam jadi lagi so kene la gerak awal...mmg berat ati sungguh nak pegi tapi nak wat cane kang ade lagi tekandas kat situ dah le kali ni kami ber 2 nak tanak kami tepaksa gak pegi...

time balik pun snow still turun dgn lebatnye..tekinja kinja sejuk nak menyampaikan ke tmpt subway tuh..

memandangkan subway stop at 11pm on weekend so kami decide to take taxi with the same fees as yesterday T____T (heart broken sungguh~~)..

(picture taken by unni)

dengo nye mase part ending tu macam2 oppa cakap & membebel ( he love to talk and it was like longgggggggggg zzzzzzzz....^^;;;)  tapi nak wat cane...uhukkk!! next time kene le dok kat tepi stadium ye baru senang nak balik....overall~~my 2 days concert is very very very satisfying....everything was perfect..penantian 2 tahun is worth.  He came back with new image, new voice, new him (perverted version??? hahhahahah) tak tak...matured version...akkakakka...

hoping for new album soon.  bile balik hotel and kira2 balik merchandize yg aku beli mmg la mencengkam kalbu bleh wat stok lunch kat opis tuk sebulan...uhuuhuhuhu...tidak tidak tidak..jgn regret..akaka....

3rd day to be continued~~~~~


f i d a j a c o b said...

Pstt pstt nakji kat myeongdong tu kedai apa nama dia...

ada directions tak plishh hihi. nak pergi huwaaa.. sedapppppp.

Miss said...

adoi ni la rolemnye..tak hingat sungguh nak tgk jalannye...jalan2 trus jumpe ..uhuhu..mianne~~ nnti den tanye kat kawan kut2 dia ade snap gambo kedai ni ye..but dr nature republic tu straight je..kedai dia kecik je kat tingkat 2..adess direction x clear..T T

Mariam Musa said...

makan sotong tu kat kedai mane?tahu x alamat dia?

Miss said...

dekat myeongdong...just cari kedai nama 'artbox' sebelah tu nnti nmpk tangga ..naik atas kedai ni tingkat 2..bleh nmpk banner kedai kat luar gambo sotong..tapi kalo nak oder makesure sebut 'no meat'

Mariam Musa said...

mahal tak untuk sorang makan?

Miss said...

normally dorang serve tuk 2 people punye makan so kalo sorang pun dia akan bagi yg tu..agak mahal la kalo nak makan sorang