Saturday, September 15, 2012


Ape ko buat tadi?
Gi KLCC tengok wayang..ade orang belanja..Yahoooo!!!!!! ^^ V

Tengok cite ape wei?
Cite dancing2..tajuk eh STEP UP 4..Giler best!! thumb up..sila tengok! pastu marathon lagi cite RESIDENT EVIL..yg ni thumb down..thehe..

Shopping ape ke benda time tak dok duit ni??
theheh shopping NAKED...Uhu!!! ayat speku. 
Mmg arr tak lagi 'gores and bayar later' la~~ T__T

disebabkan destinasi lancong lancongan takde tuk bulan ni so nak cite ape je kejadian2 semasa. Hem! disamping meng'polish' camera tuk tujuan paparazi next week, aktibiti lain is lepaking ngan geng paparazi lain.  Mood senyap and poket kosong masing2 menyebabkan masing2 tak bergerak kuar dr pintu rumah masing2.  Tapi sebab ade geng yg masih mempunyai 'won' yg byk maka dia pun memanggil kami2 ni tuk outing sekaligus belanja wayang.  Uhuu rejeki jgn ditolak ya!! thehe..

k nak tgk cite pe je ye...memula dia ckp Step Up 4..

bile tgk preview kat Youtube  cite ni cam bukan ala2 mata aku memandangnye sbb dancing2 ala2 school musical not me la kalo nak kuar duit tgk kan...tgk slot kul 2.30pm...nak kata ramai sgt org x jugak la...
meh tgk trailer cite ni..

tapi tapi tapi~~~~lepas tgk half hour cite ni..homaigod!!!! sangat suka gilos...the best dance choreographer ever!!! daebak!! ..hamik ko~~

sgt2 best dgn dancing dorang yg superb tu..( to those yg suka dancin la ye..kalo tak suka xyah la tgk kut)..paling x bleh blah suka part ni..*spoiler alert...theehhe)

(picture taken from google)

u've got to see this to understand what i meant with superb step..serious sync sungguh dorang menari...uhuuu...k pop boys!! sorry, i'm really into this boys now..hahhahaha....oso ade part yg sgt cantik k..

(picture taken from google)

haku tak tau menari ok..but still ade hati enroll 'latin dance' class kat opis..gigih ok..hahhaha...just manage to hold until whatt!!!! 6 month..pastu kene quit sbb work commitment yg memerlukan aku duduk membatu kat opis dr jam 8.30pagi smpi 6.00ptg..uhuuuuuuu....T___T..seriously dancing is fun..hehee..

the story line is pretty much simple..there's a dance group name 'the mob' creating attention by dancing anywhere they want and post it at youtube...with a mission to gain triple trillion viewer so that they can enter any dance competition..this is what happen now...everyone is in YOUTUBE now...

by the way they are doin the so call happening trend now..'FLASH MOB'..just love the synchronizing of the dance..but not the attitude that they just bash into any private location to create a ha??'s a a superb dance anyway..haha..sila sila tengok pada yg tercari cari nak tgk cite pe ye..


second marathon movie hari tu is RESIDENT EVIL~~

cite ni sebeno benonye yg aku tunggu sbb aku suka action movie...but~~~it turn up to be dull......kenapakah? sbb aku tak follow cite resident evil yg previous so cite ni start dgn tanpa tau ape2 pun...tibe2 trus la gaduh2 perang2 tembak2..erkkkk~~~on oso the TAK BEST PART is when mila jovovich is only wearing the so called 'TWO PIECE OF PAPER WITH SALOFEN TAPE' baju...bleh panggil baju ke tu ek??  OMG~~~~~~~ nak cover tang mane pun aku tak tau..hahahahahahahhahahahaa....sib baik aku tgk ramai2 dgn geng..masing2 dok senyap seribu bahasa..akakakakkaka..anyway..Did u call this baju?? 

and oso some annoying part like the zombie yg tibe2 kuar tuh..sound effect sgt's just i damn hate the part kuar binatang2 huduh tuh ala2 makhluk2 lembik yg mengeluarkan mukus tuh..akakkakakaka...overall..half way aku tido...sib baik org banje..ekeke..malas nak komen lebih..those yg follow cite ni might want to see the continuation kan so bleh tgk..dri ending cite ni nmpk nye cam akan ade lagi continuation dia ye..sila bertabah~~

abis je trus lepaking kat KFC smbil borak2 and copy2 cite2 korea yg ade..aha~nak cite ape je aku shoping time duit 5sen pun takde lam la bahana nye kalo ade credit card..sokmo je gatai tangan dgn harapan akan bayo langsai time dpt gaji nnti ( in your dream la kan!!)...

gara-gara ternampak shop ni 

haku TERbeli ni!!!!!

HAHAHHAHA...don't call me 'pervert' just because of the kotak name is NAKED...thehe..actually it's makeup la korang~~nama dia agak sengal skit tapi haku suka giler kaler dia...last time pegi stok abis so this time smbil lalu lalang tanye tu tibe2 ade lak ha stok hape lagi aku rembat la...yup!! i'm cosmetic addictic walaupun pada azali nye aku tidak la pakai sampai jadi 'tepung gomak' cuma suka mengumpul je..pakai skit2 je..

cantikkan kaler dia...ok..that's it for today mengarut if rajin will have Jung Il Woo Fan account coming up next week...if rajin le ye..thheehe..babai..SALAM HARI MALAYSIA..happy holiday everyone!!

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