Wednesday, May 21, 2014

How to book the cheapest flight possible in the shortest amount of time --->> AWESOME!

Sesambil mengoggle merata alam, tetibe ter'stop' kat youtube...
i found this awesome web..sangat2 menyenangkan idupppppppp hokey..
korang penah dengo tak pasal web ni?
ITA MATRIX..sangat awesome!!!! this is what i love..semua dihujung jari in shortest time.

Normally gigih la aku pi bukak satu2 website airflight tuk dapatkan the best airfare.  Aku guna je Expedia and segala mak nenek..but i found this one interesting sgt..

nih skit info pasal web nih...bleh jenguk2 ek...nak try riki2 adakah btui info ni? aku try and mmg dpt rege yg cam web tu publish. Some info from goggle about this site.

The ITA Matrix is owned by google and searched every flight and date and finds the cheapest flight for you if you can have a flexible flight schedule. Watch the video above for instructions on how to use it.

Basically, you can find the flight you want in less than 10 minutes instead of spending an hour searching each and every flight site — expedia, travelocity, kayak etc.

There are no ads on the ITA Matrix so they aren’t trying to sell you anything (which is nice). All they are doing is finding us what we want: a cheap flight! Now on our next trip, we can spend more money on food.

Remember to visit the ITA Matrix when you are booking your next trip, truly the best flight search engine out there.

Ni lak tutorial cane nak guna web ni ye....try2 le riki....i've got my target ticket already!!! ngaaaaaaaa!!!!! but tah nape dlm list web ni xdok AIR ASIA..HUHUHU...


Jari Manis said...

Wahh..Miss dh dpt target tiket yg jeles ni hikss..Alhamdulillah rezeki Miss lah tu..Skrg jugak JMnk terjah web ITA MATRIX tu..hamboi..teruja tak hengat kan

Miss said...

hehehe..sila2..ok gak web tu, cepat je dpt tau dr penat2 dok cari meratakan.

Azra said...

thanks for sharing ... baru nak cube tengok2 nih ...

Miss said...

no prob..sila try hehe..cuma Air Asia tak masuk list lam tu.

CikSengal said...

flight semua premium flights ekk? yang cheapo2 flight low fare tak termasuk?

Miss said...

mek sengal, yup2..yg chipo xdok..Air asia tak masuk list..ngahahhaa..